Gyokushoji Temple
Gyokushoji Temple in northern Kikuchi is associated with a period of cultural blossoming that began under the rule of Kikuchi Tamekuni (1430–1488), the Kikuchi clan leader who founded the Soto Zen temple in 1452. With his clan’s political and martial strength in decline, Tamekuni turned to supporting local culture and providing education for samurai and townspeople, encouraging their intellectual and spiritual pursuits. Under the leadership of Tamekuni and his son Shigetomo (1449–1493), Kikuchi became a regional hub for Buddhist and Confucian scholarship, where poetry and tea culture also flourished.
Gyokushoji was built by Tamekuni to house his tomb, which is in the temple cemetery next to Shigetomo’s grave. The temple’s halls and other structures have been lost to fire and rebuilt several times, but a bronze temple bell that now hangs in the current main hall has survived through the centuries. Cast in 1496, it is presently used as a densho, a bell rung to announce worship services and during prayer. In the main hall, along the walls around the central altar sit 16 statues of rakan (arhats), or Buddhist devotees who have attained spiritual enlightenment. The temple’s principal deity is the bodhisattva Daiseishi, who represents wisdom.
※About the Kikuchi clan.(菊池一族とは)
※Other cultural property explanatory boards are also multilingual.(この他の文化財説明板も多言語化しています。)
江月山玉祥寺は、20代為邦が竺菴仲尖和尚を開山として迎え、享徳元年(1452)に菩提寺として建立したといわれます。この寺にある梵鐘は高さ68㎝、口径38㎝で、龍頭は高さ14cm、幅14cmで2頭の龍が鐘頭をかむ形をしており、高さ22㎝の池の間に 「肥後州菊池郡 江月山玉祥禅寺 之堂前 明応五年(西暦1495年)丙辰閏二月日当住香淳再興 大工藤原冬次」と7行に印刻があります。笠は高さ3㎝、径23㎝で円みを帯びてなだらかで、上帯は三線をめぐらすが文様はありません。乳の間は4区あり、乳が4段・4列あります。中帯の下段と下帯とには連続した蓮華文がみられます。鎌倉期の梵鐘に見る力強さ、緊迫感には乏しいですが、温和で好感な形は、肥後に残る室町梵鐘の中で注目され、県重要文化財に指定されています。宝暦10年(1760)、境内より掘り出されたものと伝えられ、そこに銅の花瓶と古銭141枚もあったといわれています。